A good self introduction can open up many new opportunities in your life, whether on an online dating site or at a new job. One of the best ways to make an excellent first impression is to discuss your hobbies and interests in your self introduction, especially if you have any common ground with the person you’re introducing yourself to. Here are some tips and tricks for doing just that!
Hobbies In Self Introduction
Example 1:
Hi, I’m [name]. I like to do a lot of different things.
I love reading and learning. I also enjoy writing and reading about other people’s experiences.
I’m currently working on a project that will help others learn how to make their own products, such as a clothing line or home decor piece.
I’ve been working on it for over a year and have learned a lot about creating my product from scratch, which I am passionate about doing.
Another hobby that I enjoy doing is playing video games! However, my favorite genre is RPGs (role-playing games).
Example 2:
Hi, my name is [person’s name], and I’m a [insert Hobby here].
I like to [insert Hobby here].
One of my favorite things to do is [insert Hobby here].
If you want to try something new with me, let’s check out the [insert location] or do some [insert activity].
Example 3:
I love to read. I’m a big fan of the classics, especially Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy. I’m also a big fan of Shakespeare, although I don’t think he’s as accessible as Austen or Tolstoy.
I spend my free time playing video games, which I’ve been doing since I was a kid. My favorite game is Mass Effect 2 because it’s the only game where you can choose your ending for the storyline.
Hobbies In A Sentence
Example 1:
My hobbies are watching movies, playing video games, and reading.
Example 2:
My hobbies include: watching movies, writing poetry, and playing video games.
Example 3:
I enjoy playing with my dog and watching TV.
Introduce Yourself Hobby Example
Example 1:
Hi! I’m [name] and a fan of [Hobby].
I like to spend my free time reading, writing, and playing video games. I also enjoy drawing and watching movies with my friends.
Example 2:
Hi, my name is [name]. I’m a hobbyist of [Hobby].
I started [start date] and have been playing ever since. It’s my favorite thing to do on the weekends, even though it takes up a lot of time.
In addition to playing [Hobby], I enjoy cooking and watching movies with my friends.
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Example 3:
Hi, I’m [insert name], and I love to [Hobby]. I enjoy [Hobby]. My favorite part is when I can use what I learned in [subject] to create a project that makes my family laugh.
[Hobby] is significant because it helps me connect with people going through the same thing. It’s also great exercise!
For more info about how you can talk about your hobbies while introducing yourself, we have a video which tells you exactly how you can do that.
Self Introduction Activities For Adults
Example 1:
I’m an adult, and I don’t like to be alone.
I’m always looking for new people to talk to who can understand me when I have a problem.
If you feel the same way, please email or send me a message!
Example 2:
Hi! I’m [name].
I’m a [job] with [company].
I love to play the violin and read books.
My favorite films are [films].
My favorite TV shows are [shows].
Example 3:
Hi, I’m [name].
I’m a writer, and I love to write. I’ve always been told that writing is a great way to express yourself and your thoughts, but I was never sure how to get started. That’s why I decided to make this website—to help people like you get started with their own stories.
I hope you have as much fun reading other people’s stories as I do writing them!
How To Tell Hobbies In Self Introduction?
Be confident and enthusiastic when talking about your hobbies.
Telling your hobbies or interests can be a good icebreaker at the beginning of a lesson.
Some people find it much easier to express their interests if they can physically act them out.
If you have trouble explaining your hobbies, you might find that doing a fun activity relevant to your interest is an easy way to lead into a conversation about it.
Talking about your hobbies casually is more effective than trying to memorize set phrases for introducing yourself.
Takeaway: Hobbies are essential to who you are and help other people get to know you better!
How To Introduce Your Hobbies In Interview?
Always relate and mention one of your hobbies in an interview to establish a rapport.
Preparing for Your Interview
Choose Proper Hobbies to Discuss
What Is Your Level of Expertise?
How Much Time do You Dedicate to It?
Why Does It Matter to You?
Why Would You Like to Continue With This Hobby?
Takeaway: Be honest and enthusiastic in your interview, as it will be an advantage.
The Verdict: Hobbies In Self Introduction
This blog has provided you with some great hobby ideas that you can use to introduce yourself and your interests to others. While you might not use all these, it’s nice to have various things to choose from.
Some people might also be interested in learning about your hobbies – so don’t be afraid to share! If you’re looking for other ways to introduce yourself, please check out our other blog posts about self-introductions.